Generally what kind of work people are satisfied with? What kind of job do you often want to quit?

First of all, I myself, 80 women, the current work does not work overtime do not travel, 9 to 5, weekends, national holidays, the working atmosphere can also be, the boss leadership are relatively niece, I am very satisfied, did not have the idea of resignation. But always hear some people say that they want to quit, what kind of work, people will often breed the idea of quitting? Or are young people more casual these days? More money less close to home, high power light responsibility; Sleep sleep to wake up naturally, count money count hand cramp; Every holiday to get a bonus, others work overtime I pay a salary; Tea read good happy, sideline and part-time pay. Impossible, absolutely impossible 9 to 5, there is a working meal, two days off, colleagues do not force, leaders do not pua, after tax monthly income of at least 10,000, so this requirement is not ordinary people ah kan kan… You are no problem state-owned enterprises want to resign, 90% I think it is because the working environment is not good, the atmosphere is poor, either the government likes pua routine people, or colleagues like to engage in internal quarrels, can not make people calm down and learn to improve. Desire doesn't match reality, Kong Yiji. Satisfaction means that you are poor but you don't feel it, but you are happy in poverty. Vacation satisfaction is that you are poor, you don't care about the surface of your heart or feel that poor civil servants have few central enterprises to resign, I also have two days off, holidays are off, the New Year that month to rest, I might as well think about another two days off but the salary is 3000 high place you are a person with a pursuit of I am not a central enterprise civil servant ah, I am talking about this almost will not resign impossible, absolutely impossible, You're making a wish. I have completed 90% said myself, 80 male, do not travel, if there is an emergency to deal with the need for 7x24 hours on standby, other times in the morning to sleep naturally wake up, finished work want to get off work, two days off, statutory holidays, someone dug before, no idea of changing jobs, Because the next job will not let me so free to want to resign, 90% I think it is because the working environment is not good, the atmosphere is poor, either the government likes pua routine people, or colleagues like to engage in internal quarrels, can not make people calm down and learn to improve. Too few private companies in Wuhan can have a two-day break.


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